

February Market Commentary

Category: News

Introduction Despite the claims of Brexit and the debate on triggering Article 50, it is impossible to start this commentary anywhere other than in Washington where, on January 20th, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. It is remarkably difficult to find a news outlet that has a neutral view

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The new pensions minister’s savings tips!

Category: Financial planning

Richard Harrington, who was made pensions secretary by Theresa May soon after she assumed office as Prime Minister in July last year, recently wrote an article for This Is Money divulging his spending tips for 2017. It’s a piece littered with what could be called ‘financial advice’, so what does the new minister recommend we

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The danger of New Year predictions

Category: News

“It’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future”. A quote which is usually attributed to either baseball player Yogi Berra or author Mark Twain – which in reality was most likely never actually said by either man – but nonetheless pithily sums up the problem with trying to work out what is going to

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